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NMAT Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Registration, Eligibility


The NMAT is a national-level MBA entrance exam considered by some of the most prestigious MBA institutes located all over the country. This test is conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council that counts some of the biggest B-schools from around as its members.

  • Full-Form – NMIMS Management Aptitude Test
  • Eligibility
    • Candidate must be a graduate with a recognised degree
    • Candidate must have more than 50% as their final degree percentage, or 45% in case of reserved categories.
    • Final year students are allowed but need a certificate from their college or university.
    • Students can attempt the NMAT only 3 times, and not more than that.
  • Exam Pattern
    • Language – English
    • Mode – Computer-based (Online)
    • Duration – 2 hours
    • No. of Questions – 120
    • Marking – +1 for the correct answer.
  • Exam Syllabus
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Language Skills
    • Logical Reasoning

How can I prepare for Nmat 2020?

Pick out your strong and weak areas in all the sections. Gather the best books for NMAT preparation and other study material for NMAT 2020 preparation. Improve on your weak areas and monitor the improvement regularly. Take as many NMAT Mocks during your NMAT exam preparation and do the analysis of each Mock

Is there negative marking in NMAT by GMAC?

No negative marking – This step encourages test takers to make informed guesses and not drop a question for the fear of deduction in marks. Unique exam for every test taker – Every test taker taking NMAT by GMAC™ exam will get a unique but equivalent exam.

Is the calculator allowed in the Nmat exam?

ANSWER: No calculators are allowed in NMAT since it is perceived that the calculations are doable in the test. … Candidates have a choice of selecting the order/sequence of the test sections. 3 Sections: Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, Logical Reasoning

Which colleges accept Nmat score?

Being an independent and reputed exam, NMAT exam score are accepted by MBA colleges that include University affiliated MBA colleges like NMIMS, ICFAI, Jindal Global University and for Specialized Programs offered by well known private B-schools like SPJIMR and TAPMI, and some autonomous MBA colleges like SOIL Gurgaon.

What is the full form of Nmat?

Management Aptitude Test
NMAT Full Form. The full form of NMAT is NMIMS (Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies) Management Aptitude Test and it is registered by the GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council).
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