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How To Calculate My Result in Percentage

The Exam Marks Percentage Calculator is useful for school and college students to keep track of their overall percentage scores. Percentage is a number expressed as a fraction of 100.

How to Find Percentage of Marks Obtained:To find percentage, divide the total scores with the marks obtained and then multiply the result with 100. A simple online marks percentage calculator tool for students of all age group to keep track of their percentage scores in the examination.

How To Use Bustudymate Percentage Calculator

STEP:1 Follow all the step correctly :p

STEP:2 Enter the internals marks which you have scored  out of 30 in the first row

STEP:3 Enter the marks which you have scored in theory out of 70 in the second row

STEP:4 Bingo ,Now just click on submit button your Result percentage with CGPA will be displayed in Respected BOX

you can refer below image for more reference 

bu Exam result percentage calculater


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