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Terms and Conditions of WhatsApp Broadcast

Terms & Conditions & DISCLAIMER :

  1. By sending a request to become a member or by joining the member of groups I acknowledge and agree to the following group rules, group policy and disclaimer. I also agree that the Admin team has the right to restrict admission, remove, or ban anyone from any of the groups without any notification.
  2. As a member of this group, I will abide by the group rules and use only the group to query questions regarding doubt with respect to Bangalore  University topics. I will not involve in any inappropriate, unethical, or illegal activities, including but not limited to forwarding any inappropriate posts, using foul and vulgar language, sharing inappropriate posts, posting promotions of any kinds, personal attacks, personal insulting messages, bullying of any member, sending unsolicited personal messages to any group member whom I don’t have previous acquaintance with, or posting inappropriate messages, images, videos or inappropriate comments.
  3. Further, I also understand, is divided into many groups, and I agree to join only one group. Multiple joining will result in removing the member.
  4. As a member of this group, I accept the leadership of Admins in managing and moderating the group activities, and I will not modify or change name and icon of any of the groups. I also agree that Admin may verify before admission to any group and I agree to provide true verifiable information to the Admin and not to provide any false information anytime.
  5. I understand by joining these WhatsApp groups, I understand and acknowledge that I will be added to Broadcast Lists and I agree to receive Broadcast Messages from the Admin regarding, group information, announcements, meetup events, Community News, other related messages etc. I also understand and agree that I should not block admin team members anytime. I acknowledge that I am aware that blocking admin team members will result in removal of my voluntary member privileges from Whatsapp Group.
  6. If I bring guests to participate in the event I take full responsibility of the guests and agree to all above terms and conditions. I acknowledge that I understand that, The group is not responsible and liable for any damage, loss or injury happens during any communication, posts, activities or meetup events or any related unspecified activities.

 The Admins have right to make modifications on the group rules group policy, and disclaimer, anytime without notice, for effective management and moderation of group activities. As a member of the group, it’s my responsibility to update myself with changes and modifications in the Group Rules and Group policies including a disclaimer.

Must read, understand and agree above Group Rules, Policy, and Disclaimer.

Updated : 19/06/2018 – 14:57

T&C v1.0


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