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Last date for filling and submitting the online application for Admissions to the Post Graduate Courses


Last date for filling and submitting the online application for Admissions to the Post Graduate Courses
Instructions/Procedure for Submission of ONLINE Application for Admission
Candidates who are applying for various courses offered at the Postgraduate Departments/Centers
at Jnanabharathi Campus, PG Centre at Ramanagar and affiliated colleges should follow the
procedure detailed beneath:

 Filling an application for admission is strictly ONLINE at
Candidates are advised to read the Instructions, Eligibility Criteria, Rules, Payment
mode and all other instructions thoroughly for admission to a particular subject before
filling the application. Format of the Application form is also available in the website for
 A valid E-mail and Mobile Number are mandatory for filling the application online and
fee payment, so the candidates are advised to create their e-mail id before log in to the online
portal with the registered user id & password.

 Application Processing Fee for each Course is Rs.200 (Rupees Two hundred only) for GM
& others (Cat-2A, 2B, 3A, 3B) and Rs.100 (Rupees One hundred only) for SC/ST/CAT-I
candidates. The remittance of this fee is by e-payment / online payment only. (through Net
banking/Credit/Debit card). Along with this fees Online processing fee of Rs.45 (Rupee
Forty five only) including GST will be charged.

 Applicant may chose maximum number of courses depending on their eligibility at a time
with single online processing fee.

 A candidate will be considered for admission in every Course that he / she has opted for.
 Merit List for the Candidate will be announced separately for each Course he/she opted
for and will be announced in the website.

 Candidates can edit/modify the entries before making the payment. Once the payment is
done they cannot edit the details.

 Filled application can be generated for every course by changing only the course name
for which the candidate has opted for admission.

 Once payment is made, the candidate is provided the option to print the application. The
print option will be available only after confirmation of payment.

 The candidate should send the printed applications to the respective Department for each
subject along with the required documents either by hand or through registered post on or
before the last date prescribed by the University. List of Departments with Address are
mentioned in the website.

 Last date for filling and submitting the application online without fine is 20.07.2018
And 25.07.2018 with fine of Rs.200

 Submission of printed application form along with the enclosures to the department is
mandatory and it should reach the department on or before 26.07.2018. Applications
reached after the due date will not be considered.

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