Bangalore University 6th sem Creative and Innovation Study Material
Early psychological research on creativity focused a lot of effort on identifying what abilities are involved in creativity. Guildford (1959) concluded that originality, flexibility, idea fluency, problem sensitivity (sophisticated understanding of the problem area) and redefinitional skills (the ability to view issues from different angles and reframe them) were all critical to creative performance. Perkins’ (1981) studies stressed the importance of intrinsic motivation, sensitivity form (deep knowledge of and sensitivity to an area of work), a capacity for objectivity, the ability to take risks, mental mobility (including tolerance for ambiguity), and problem-finding skills. A number of other studies have come to similar conclusions about creative abilities regardless of the domain they are studying. One common finding is that creative people seem to possess problem-finding abilities – the art of recognizing the important question. They are also able to tolerate ambiguity better than less creative people so can avoid premature closure (not settling on a solution too soon before more useful ways forward have been considered).