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Corporate Administration B.Com 1st Sem Important Question Bangalore University


Corporate Administration 2 Marks Imp Questions

  1. Define Meeting.
  2. State the provisions of e-filing.
  3. Define’Company Secretary’.
  4. What is an Associate Company ?
  5. Give the meaning of Proxy.
  6. What is demat account ?
  7. Define Multinational Corporation.
  8. What is internationalcomPanY
  9. State the meaning of Bonus Share.
  10. What is Quorum ?
  11. What is Limited Liability ?
  12. What is a motion ?

Corporate Administration 6 Marks Imp Questions

  1. Write a note on statutory meeting.
  2. Briefly explain the features of Global Companies
  3. Explain the concept of one person company.
  4. Define ‘meeting’. state the pre-requisits of a valid meeting.
  5. State how Directors of a company are appointed.
  6. State the guidelines regarding allotment of shares.
  7. Explain, briefly the privileges of a Private Company
  8. Briefly explain functions of promoters.
  9. Write the role and significance of promoters.

Corporate Administration 14 Marks Imp Questions

  1. What is Annual General Meeting ? Explain the objectives of AGM, legalformalities
    of a Annual General Meeting”
  2. What is special resolution ? State the instances of business where special
    resolutions passed.
  3. Explain the duties and responsibilities of a company secretary.
  4. What is incorporation of a company ? Explain the steps and formalities for
    incorporation of a company.
  5. State the guidelines regarding allotment of shares.
  6. What is Articles of Association ? Explain the contents of Articles of Association.
  7. Write the role and significance of promoters.
  8. Explain the duties and responsibilities of Managing Director.
  9. ,,A Secretary is not only a servant of the Company, but also a servant of Law”.
  10. Define ‘meeting’. state the pre-requisits of a valid meeting.
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