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Course Introduction.

The educational plan of the B.Com degree course incorporates advancing and applying fund and PC application ideas to Commerce. The Commerce Department at AIMS Institutes, extraordinary compared to other trade universities in Bangalore, gives essential significance to always improving the strategy for educating and assessment. Other than addresses, the division conducts bunch dialogs and courses identified with different parts of the trade. Pretends and recreation labs are utilized to imitate genuine situations requiring brief basic leadership and a fast investigation of circumstances. This helps the understudies increase significant experience through field study just as reproduction works out.

What is Course Matrix?

Course Matrix alludes to a record—generally composed point structure—laying out the general structure of a course (likewise called a “storyboarding”). It is utilized to delineate what substance is to be incorporated, how the substance is to be composed, what evaluation apparatuses are to be utilized, just as how the different segments identify with each other. As a Course Developer, one of your first errands is to plan your Course Matrix. This worksheet is intended to help you. We have gained as a matter of fact that the best procedure is for you to start via cautiously preplanning your course. This will assist you with benefiting as much as possible from your time and exertion, along these lines making your experience as a Course Developer a charming one. The more pre-arranging you do the more successful and productive you will turn into.





Instruction hrs/weekDuration of     Exam(hrs)Marks 






Part 2 Optional

Business Regulations6.14330701003
Principles and Practice of Auditing6.24330701003
Income Tax – II6.34330701003
Management Accounting6.44330701003
Elective – I6.54330701003
Elective – II6.64330701003
Part 3SDC 3330701002
Total Credits20


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