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BU BNU BCU Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences 2 Marks Important questions

BU BNU BCU Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences 2 arks Important questions

1. what is prathyahara according to yoga sutra?
Prathyahara refers to the withdrawal of the senses from external objects to be replaced by mentally created senses. It is the fifth element among the eight stages of Ashtanga yoga.

2. Define Asana according to patanjali?
patanjali defines Asana as “to be seated in a position that is firm but relaxed”. Asanas are referred to as “yoga postures”. It also promote good health. It is a system that emphasis on mental equipoise through relaxation.
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3. what is pranayama according to vasista?
Pranayama is derived from two word “PRANA” which means life, breath, respiration and “AYAMA” means control, regulation, length or expansion. Therefore it refers to expansion and control of breath.
According to vasista “it implies that the movement of breath during inhalation and exhalation is controlled”. He also says mastery over prana is pranayama.

4. what are the 4 effects of breathing?
1. Fast
2. Shallow
3. Jerks
4. haphazard

5. what are the misconceptions of yoga?
It is not a magic
It is not religious
It is not tricks
It is not mantras or tantras
Many among them imagine Yogasanas to be the bending and twisting of the body into all possible shapes, positions, and patterns, standing on the head, and so on.

6. difference between man and animal?

There are many similarities between man and animals like food habits, sleeping, fear, and reproduction.
Similarly, there are differences between man and animal-like
➢ Appearance
➢ Communication
➢ Intelligence
➢ intellectual

7. what is moksha?
Overcoming from the bondage of birth and death cycle is called moksha. In other words, it refers to freedom from ignorance, self-realization, and self-knowledge.

8. what is kriya? 2 benefits of kriya?
Kriya in yoga refers to the techniques meant to cleanse the inner organs developed by the yogis.
The benefits of kriya are:
1. develops inner awareness.
2. build the stamina and forbearance capacity.
3. desensitize the possible hypersensitive reaction in the pathways.

9. what is health according to Who?
WHO stands for World Health Organisation. According to WHO Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

10. what is yoga according to bhagavatgeetha?

11. what is phycology and memory?
Phycology: it is the science of behavior and mind including conscious and unconscious phenomena as well as thought.
Memory: it is the faculty of the mind by which information is encoded stored and retrieved.

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