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Business Research Methods 2nd Sem Study Material BU BNU BCU

Business Research Methods 2nd Sem Study Material BU BNU BCU

Business research methods include many ways of gathering information about an industry, its competition or the opportunities available that are relevant to conducting research. Some methods include scouring the internet, collecting data at the library, interviewing customers, running surveys and focus groups.

Module – 1:
 Research: Meaning, Purpose, Scientific method, types of research; scope
of business research. Review of literature: need, purpose, notes taking.
Module – 2:
 Selection and formulation of a research problem, formulation of
hypothesis, operational definition of concepts, sampling techniques.
 Research Design: Meaning, nature, process of preparation, components of
research design.

 Module – 3:
 Data: Sources of data, methods, of collection; observation interviewing,
mailing; tools for collection data; interview schedule, interview guide,
questionnaire, rating scale, socio-metry, check list; pre-testing of tools,
pilot study.
 Processing of data; checking, editing, coding, transcription, tabulation,
preparation of tables, graphical representation.

Module – 4:
 Analysis of data; Simple and advanced statistical
techniques and their uses. Use of SPSS and other
statistical software packages. Advanced Techniques for
Data Analysis – ANOVA Discriminate Analysis, Factor
Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Multi – dimensional
scaling and clustering methods, Testing of Hypothesis,
Research Applications, market survey.
 Report – Writing: Planning report writing work-target
the audience, type of report, style of writing synoptical
outline of chapters; steps in drafting the report.

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