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Extension of one more year to 2014-15 batch UG students to appear for examination of failed papers


Pursuant to the decision of the Academic Coundil (Resolution by Circulation) at its meeting held on 19.05.2020, further extension of one more year is granted for students of 2014-15 Batch Under graduation degree programmes to appear for the examinations in the failed subjects for i.e. Even semester (II, IV, VI & VIII) during June/July 2020 and i.e. odd semester (I, Ill, V & VII) during November/December 2020 examinations as they could not complete their degrees within the stipulated period as per Bangalore University Regulations. The failed candidates who have registered for admission during 2014-15 are permitted to appear for the failed papers / subjects whenever respective semester examination are conducted by the University.

Candidates shall pay the examinations fee whenever the fee notification is issued by the Registrar (Evaluation), Bangalore University, Bangalore.

This permission is a one-time measure and should not be quoted as a precedent and no further requests will be entertained for extension.

The Principals of the affiliated Colleges are requested to permit the candidates of 2014-15 batch (under CBCS undergraduate course) who have failed in certain subject, to appear for the examinations during June/July-2020, November / December 2020 as one time measure. They are also requested to display the said Nonfiction in College Notice Boards to give wide publicity. The Principals are also requested to send a letter giving details of the students who have been permitted to appear for Examinations along with the copies of their Marks Cards to the Registrar (Evaluation).

Note: This Notification is applicable only for 2014-15 Batch Undergraduate courses i.e. BA/B.Sc1B,Sc-FADIB.Com /BCAJBBAJBHM/BVA courses only.


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