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Bangalore University Value Education Study Material | Solved Question Paper

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It gives us immense pleasure in presenting the first edition on the Soft Skills (Mrudu Kousalya) book titled “Value Education” under the new CBCS syllabus of Sixth Semester B.Com., BBA and BHM of Bangalore University. This book is a masterpiece for both students and faculties to understand the matters related to Value Education in simple format.

India is a land of diversity – social, cultural, religious, racial, linguistic and geographical. The main hallmark of this nation is unity which absorbs all the diversities. A common values system helps to create an identity that bonds people together.

Values such as harmony, peace, compassion and humility have for centuries been a part of the discourse of every religion in the world and their need and importance is universally accepted and felt, more so in the current social and political context. Respect for human dignity and human rights, as well as respect for the environment are core values that need to be practiced. Not only are they crucial to achieving peace, harmony and sustainable development, they are also indispensible if the full potential of the child, be it of body; mind or spirit has to be harnessed.

The Bangalore University aims to reinforce Value Education. It has committed to make educational process inclusive of Value Education by inculcating attitude and values in curricular activities. The teachers, educators and various stakeholders are also expected to lay emphasis on acquiring knowledge, attitude and skills related to appreciation of cultural values, dignity of individuals, inclusion, environmental conservation and protection of heritage and national monuments, etc. through curricular and co-curricular means.

Value Education topics Values, Role of Family, Society and Institutions in Inculcating Values, Human Values, Sensitisation of People towards PWD, Women and Child, Value Education in National and Global Development, Constitutional Values, Human Rights, Environment and Ecological Balance, Bio-diversity and the like. The present book covers all the basic elements which are required for the said subject with different concepts. This book is very user-friendly in terms of right to the topic intended to study.


1. Introduction to Value Education
2. Value Education for Nation Building
3. Human Rights
4. Environmental and Ecological Balance
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