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Attendance in colleges touches 20 per cent, will further increase in coming days: BU Vice Chancellor


Bengaluru, Nov 26 (UNI) Bangalore University Vice Chancellor Prof K R Venugopal said that the students attendance in the Departments and affiliated colleges are increasing gradually and has touched 20 per cent and in the coming days it may increase further.

The main reason for poor attendance may be mainly due to delay in RT PCR test and consent letters from the parents etc., presently attendance has increased to 20 per cent and it will surely improve in the coming days, according to a statement here on Thursday.

The University and the affiliated colleges started regular classes on November 17 after a gap of over 7 months due to Corona Pandemic. The attendance was a meagre 2 per cent on the first day. The RTPCR test being conducted for the students, teacher, non-teaching staff. “The results of the test have been encouraging. We are fortunate that nobody has been tested positive till date. The student’s hostel and mess have been started. The teachers have been conducting the classes both online and regular mode. The attendance is likely to improve further in the coming days.”

“In order to encourage the students to attend the regular classes, it has been decided to conduct Laboratory classes, project work and internships. If the situation deteriorates, then we will go back to the online mode. In the light of the primary schools, secondary schools being closed till December it is pertinent that we finish our regular classes within this time,” he added.

The Vice Chancellor said that due to conduct of laboratory classes, the students’ attendance is higher in the Science stream as compared to Arts stream. The Commerce and Management stream is also doing well.


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