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Re-Closing Colleges If Covid Cases Surge Again | Says Dr K Sudhakar


Bengaluru:120 students have tested positive for the virus after the colleges were reopened since November 17. Karnataka Medical Education Minister and in-charge of coronavirus, Dr K Sudhakar on Sunday said that colleges reopened in the state may have to be closed if there is an increase in the number of Covid-19 cases.

Speaking to media at Dharward, he said that the government had reopened the colleges for the final year degree students as it was found that they have more immunity against the virus than the aged people.

Stating that the government has responsibility for the future of the students, the minister said that the government would not be reluctant in closing them if the pandemic is found endangering their lives.

According to information received so far, 120 students have tested positive for the virus after the colleges were reopened since November 17.

If more cases are reported, there is no option left but to close the colleges again. The government pad planned to open the educational institutions in a phased manner considering the state of the virus spread.

The attendance in the colleges was very thin with large number of students opting for online classes. Replying to a question on the possibility of a second wave of covid-19, the minister said that usually people who have been infected may not get the infection for nearly two months.

If people cooperate with the government to follow the covid-19 regulations properly there will not be any fear of a second wave of virus, he added

According to officials in the higher education department, the decision to reopen colleges were taken as students were not able to grasp the lessons online due to various reasons such as lack of gadgets, poor connectivity and health issues such as eye-sight.

Besides, the faculties and the college staff were staring at unemployment.


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