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Employee Welfare Social Security BBA 5th Sem Solved Question Paper


Employee Welfare Social Security Solved Question Papers Download Year 2016-2019: Candidates who are going to appear in BU exams may start their preparation from previous papers. Here at this page, I am going to share all old solved papers, model papers of BU. Along with these Bangalore University previous papers, we will also provide Bangalore University syllabus and BU exam pattern.

BBA 5th Sem Employee Welfare Social Security Solved Question Papers Download 2021

Students who are searching for BU old solved question papers and model papers with answer for Bangalore University exams are available on our website Here Bangalore University Aspirants can also check for the BU solved papers and BU model papers provided on this page. Candidates can visit our website daily for continuous updates regarding BU previous year papers to help you prepare well for the BU exams. You have to Practice Bangalore University Last 10 Years Previous Papers and Bangalore University Sample Question Papers for getting a good score.

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The term welfare brings in many ideas, meaning to state well being, good health , happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. The concept of welfare has been a total concept involving physical, mental, moral and emotional well being of individual. The social concept of welfare implies the welfare of man, his family and his community. It is an interconnection of threes three aspects in the sense that all these work together
and individually supplement one another

The Concept
Welfare is called as a relative concept for it is related to time and space. Changes in it have an impact on the system. As a result the potential changes in the welfare content keep changing with time and space. It is also been observed that the welfare as a concept differs from country to country and from place to place. Secondly, welfare is a positive concept, as to establish a minimum standard of living, it would demand certain minimum acceptable conditions of existence in both biological and social. Thus, when this is defined it is necessity for the components of welfare in terms of health, food, clothing, housing, medical assistance, insurance so on are to be taken care
of. Further, labour welfare as a concept has both positive and negative sides like, it deals with the provision of opportunities which enable the worker and his family to lead a good life, socially and personally and on the negative side it provides opportunities for undesirable consequences and labour problems.


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