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Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for better experience 3rd Sem Securities Analysis Important Questions For Jan 2020 Exam


Security analysis is the analysis of tradeable financial instruments called securities. It deals with finding the proper value of individual securities (i.e., stocks and bonds). These are usually classified into debt securities, equities, or some hybrid of the two. Tradeable credit derivatives are also securities.

Security AnalysisPortfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives integrate the many topics of modern investment analysis. It provides a balanced presentation of theories, institutions, markets, academic research, and practical applications, and presents both basic concepts and advanced principles.

Bangalore University(BCU-BNU) 3rd Sem Study Material 2020

2 Marks Imp questions

1. What are the deep discount bonds?
2. What are the objectives of the valuation of Securities?
3. What are warrants?
4. What is yield to call?
5. Define Uncertainty?
6. What is the Relative Strength Index?
7.Define P/E Ration
8. Define Beata of a Security. What does Beta of 4 men
9. What are convertible debentures?
10What are municipal Bonds?
11. What are Free cash Flows?
12. What are Municipal Bonds
13What is Real estate Investment trust(REIT)?


5 Marks Imp questions

1.Explain the Investment Process
2. Bring out the difference between forwards and futures contract
3. Debt Securities are less risky compared to ownership Securities, Discuss
4. Explain the Investment process.
5.Explain Economic analysis under fundamental analysis
6. Hoe does technical Analysis differ from the fundamental analysis?
7.Different Between Forwards contracts and futures contracts.
8.Types of conventional and modern investment avenues available to investors for investment


12Marks Imp questions

1 Describe the various factors to be considered under fundamental analysis.
2. Bring out the differences between Fundamental analysis and technical analysis
3. Define the efficient market hypothesis in each of its three forms. What are its Implications?
4. What is the outcome of economic analysis? Explain the commonly analyzed economic factors.
5. Explain the various forms of market efficiency under the efficient market hypothesis.
6. Explain the types of derivatives used for hedging purposes.
7. What is meant by listing> Discuss the concept of settlement and trading procedure applicable for intraday trading and position trading in NSE


Bangalore University 3rd Sem Previous Year Questions Paper 2019

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