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GMAT 2020:Exam Pattern, Syllabus,Registration, Eligibility

GMAT 2020:Exam Pattern, Syllabus,Registration, Eligibility

The Graduate Management Admission Test is a computer adaptive test intended to assess certain analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in written English for use in admission to a graduate management program, such as an MBA program. Started way back in 1953, the GMAT is an international MBA entrance exam that allows students to get admission in over 23 MBA institutes located all over the world. It is conducted twice a year in 114 countries in over 650 test centers.

  • Full-Form – Graduate Management Admission Test
  • Eligibility
    Applicants should have a basic educational qualification from any registered university or college. Candidates should be a minimum of 18 years of age, if a candidate is below 18 years then require a no-objection certificate from the guardian. Applicants can appear for GMAT only 5 times a year and 8 times a lifetime
    • Candidate must be a graduate with a recognized degree
    • Any nationality students can partake in this exam.
  • Exam Pattern
    The GMAT exam pattern is divided into four sections Writing, Reasoning, Verbal and Quantitative skills. Further, the GMAT is a Computer Adaptive Test of 3 hours 30 minutes and comprises of both objective and subjective questions
    • Language – English
    • Mode – Computer Based
    • Duration – 3.5 hours
    • No. of Questions – 91
  • Exam Syllabus

    GMAT Syllabus
    Name of the SectionTime LimitNumber of questions
    Analytical Writing Assessment30 minutes01 (essay)
    Integrated Reasoning30 minutes12 questions
    Quantitative Aptitude1 hour, 2 minutes31 questions
    Verbal Ability1 hour, 5 minutes36 questions

    How much are the fees for the GMAT exam?

    Wherever in the world, you’re taking the test, the GMAT exam fee will be the same: $250. Most people register for the GMAT online and pay this $250 registration fee with a credit card

    Can Indian students give GMAT?

In short, the answer is Yes. Quite a few schools in India accept the GMAT score to offer admissions to        resident     Indians. Links to schools that accept the GMAT and the programs offered by them have been provided by others who have answered this question earlier.

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