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UGC Released Standard Operating Procedure For Schools and Collages

UGC Released Standard Operating Procedure For Schools and Collages

On Wednesday, the University Grants Commission has published a  comprehensive set of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). It carries all the safety measures which is to be followed by all the educational institutions while conducting exams.

 The students with symptoms of coronavirus like fever, cough, and cold should be given another day to appear in the exams.  Or at least made to sit in a separate room to write the papers. 

The SOP issued by MHRD through the UGC seeks to guide educational institutes on conducting the exams and specifically urges them to embrace technology-based, online exams conducted remotely. However, the UGC further states that the instructions, guidelines and orders issued in this regard can be built upon by the exam conducting centres demanding stricter rules.

As per the instructions mentioned in the SOP, in case there is a restriction on movements in certain areas, admit cards or identity cards should be treated as a pass for the movement of students during the exam days.

UGC Guidelines: Sanitizers, Seat Plans, Thermal Guns

UGC has also instructed the universities that entire examination centre floors and walls, doors, gates, should be sprayed with disinfectant. Exam functionaries and staff to use fresh masks and gloves after staff verification is done.

As per the SOP, universities are asked to make arrangements for sanitizer bottles at the entry gate, examination rooms and staff rooms.

The SOP also has suggested a seat plan for the examination. According to the seat plan, every alternate seat will be kept empty.

The instructions on conduct of examination also states that staff and exam functionaries should submit a self declaration form stating they are fit. Thermal gun temperature check must be done at the staff entrance point.

Option To Appear Later

The Arogya Setu App has been made mandatory for all the staff members and students of the colleges and universities.

Students, as per the SOP released, with symptoms like fever, cough or cold will be made to sit alone or provided an option to appear for the exam later.

The UGC New Guidelines

  • As per the announcement, the final year exams can be administered by the universities or institutions in pen-paper based mode, online or a mixed-mode as per the feasibility of the exam governing body.

  • Students with backlogs, as per the updated Guidelines, should “compulsorily” take the examinations. In case, a student is unfit to appear the examination in September, should be provided with the relief to appear in “special exams” held for the purpose as a one time model.

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