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Bangalore North University P.G fee Notification for Jan-Feb 2020


Bengaluru North University is introducing several student-friendly measures related to conducting of examination by making use of information technology. In this regard, the University intends to provide accurate and timely information as well as communication using the web portal and mobile application . According to the options are provided to the student to pay their examination fee for the above-mentioned examination through digital net banking /any other digital modes

The procedure for making payment of examination fee is applicable for all theory/practical examinations scheduled to be held during January/February 2020.
A detailed time table for practical/Theory examinations shall be announced separately. Another related information is given below

Students eligible to appear in the examination needs to pay and submit their application form as detailed in this document.

ALast date for payment of examination fee by candidates Without Fine3.1.2020
BLast date for payment of examination fee with fine of rs 2005.1.2020
CLast date for payment of examination fee with special fone of rs 500/6.1.2020
DLast date for submission of the application form to the university8.1.2020
EUploading of inte4rnal assessment online10.1.2020
FPractical Examination (I &III)9.1.2020 To 17.1.2020
GCommencement of Theory ExaminationsNotified Shortly


Payment of examinations Fee and Submission of Examination Application Forms.

Bangalore North University M.A Economics/English/history/Kannada/Political Science Exam Fee Jan-Dec 2020

I Semester (Full Exam.Fee)Rs.1265/-
II Semester  (Full Exam.Fee)Rs.1265/-
For repeaters Per-SubjectRs. 363/-


Bangalore North University M.A Journalism & Mass Communications Exam Fee Jan-Dec 2020

I Semester (Full Exam.Fee)Rs.1265/-
II Semester  (Full Exam.Fee)Rs.1265/-
For repeaters Per-SubjectRs. 363/-


Bangalore North University M.S.W Exam Fee Jan-Dec 2020

I Semester (Full Exam.Fee)R.s 1485/-
II Semester  (Full Exam.Fee)Rs 1430/-
For repeaters Per-SubjectRs 440/-
Viva-VoceRs 165/-


Bangalore North University Exam Fee Jan-Dec 2020

I Semester (Full Exam.Fee)R.s 1485/-
II Semester  (Full Exam.Fee)Rs 1265/-
 ParcticalRs 220/-
For Repeaters Per SubjectRs 363/-


Bangalore North University F.A Exam Fee Jan-Dec 2020

I Semester (Full Exam.Fee)R.s 2585/-
II Semester  (Full Exam.Fee)Rs 2805/-
For repeaters Per-SubjectRs 605-
PaarcticalRs 220/-


In addition to the Prescribed Fee for the Examination, the below be Mentioned amount has to be paid by all the candidated irrespectice of the cast/Category.

SL.NoFee Particulars Amount
1Examination Application Fee15/-
2Marks Card150/-
3Processing Fee50/-
4Scrutiny Fee10/-

Total Rs.

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