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2021-22 Academic Session To Be Start From October 4 Says Karnataka DCM


The colleges in Karnataka will reopen for students from October 4 for the academic session 2021-22 with no semester breaks and regular classes.


  • Karnataka colleges will reopen from October 4 for academic session 2021-22.
  • The colleges will not have any semester breaks from the new session.
  • Classes will be conducted six days a week to make up for lost time.

The government of Karnataka is planning ahead and has decided to reopen the colleges for the academic session 2021-22 from October 4, 2021. The government has also proposed a new pattern to cover up all the syllabus in a short amount of time.

As per the directives of the state government, the colleges in Karnataka will reopen from October 4 for the new session. There will be no semester breaks for this academic session and classes will be conducted six days a week

An academic calendar has also been drafted by the state government with all the proposed changes for undergraduate, postgraduate, and engineering courses in the state. These changes have been proposed to ensure that students are able to cope with the academic loss due to Covid-19.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) had earlier proposed that each semester should have a minimum of 90 working days so that the students can finish the syllabus. Keeping the Covid-19 situation in mind, the government will also seek advice from students regarding the draft calendar.

Colleges, schools reopening in Karnataka

The educational institutes in Karnataka, including all schools and colleges, have been closed due to the rapid spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country and the nationwide lockdown imposed by the central government.

The state government of Karnataka had decided to reopen the colleges for all students of undergraduate, postgraduate, engineering, and diploma courses from January 15, after being shut down for 10 months due to the pandemic.

Though the colleges and universities have been reopened in the state from January 15, the Karnataka government has stated that the attendance is voluntary. The final exams for universities will be conducted in offline mode from now.

The schools in Karnataka have also been reopened for students of classes 10 and 12. This decision has been made to help students prepare for the upcoming board exams with classroom studies and lab classes.


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