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Internship project Report On Job Satisfaction


Human Resource Management is considered to be the most valuable asset in
any organization. It is the sum-total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and
skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise
of executives, supervisors, and the rank and file employees. It may be noted here that
human resources should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, in order to
achieve individual and organizational goals. It is thus the employee’s performance
which ultimately decides and attainment of goals. However, the employee
performance is to a large extent, influenced by motivation and job satisfaction.
Human resource management is a specialized functional area of business that
attempts to develop programmes, policies, and activities to promote the job
satisfaction of both individual and organizational needs, goods and objectives.
People join organizations with certain motives like security of income and job,
better prospects in future, and satisfaction of social and psychological needs. Every
person has different sets of needs at different times. It is the responsibility of
management to recognize this basic fact and provide appropriate opportunities

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